Project Details
DATE 2016
PROJECT Playground and Skate Park

The Site:
RAF Marham is a densely populated military housing area – home to military families. A visit was conducted alongside a risk assessment and health and safety report to assess the site for design and installation. The existing play area was dated with some broken equipment and damaged safety surfacing which needed replacing.

The Brief:
The Client indicated they had a large budget to refresh the current site and wanted big units that could accommodate a lot of children. It was a priority that one unit could accommodate Wheelchair users. The site required fencing and surfacing and the existing play area could be converted into a separate Skate Park aimed at Teenagers.

Equipment Installed:
• Skate Spot 1
• Oakley Estates Play Unit (For KS2+)
• Rock n Cross See-Saw (For KS2+)
• Synchro Spinner (For KS2+)
• Clipper Pirate Ship (KS1+)
• Accessible Whirl (For KS1+ and wheelchair accessible)
• Flat Seat Swings/ Cradle Seat Swings
• Coloured Wet Pour for Play Items

“RAF Marham has recently been the beneficiary, courtesy of RAF Central Fund, of a brand new play area., replacing an old worn out area that was badly in need of refurbishment. The job of replacing the old equipment went to Caloo Ltd, who going under the name of ‘Monster’ offered a wide range of excellently designed children’s activity play frames and other items, suitable for an equally wide range of age groups. The work of installing the equipment was done professionally and to the highest of standards, this including new coloured surfacing, giving the whole area a very visually pleasing uplift.”- Flt Lt GJ Walker MBE TD RAF.