
Aylesford Parish in Kent opens 3 new Outdoor Gyms
Although works were completed in July 2010, a letter was recently received from the Clerk of Aylesford Parish Council in Kent.
Mr Flindell wrote in January 2011, “It is now around 6 months after the installation of the Caloo outdoor fitness equipment at 3 sites around the Parish. This is now adequate time to reflect on and to review the outcome of this project.
I am now able to say that this has been an overall success. These were the first sets of outdoor fitness equipment to be installed in the area and were immediately popular. We chose the Cardio bundle which has attracted all ages. This was one of the aims of the project: to provide healthy and fun recreational and exercise opportunities for all ages. Younger people have been and are well provided for in our recreation grounds. The Caloo equipment helps us to carer for the requirements of older people.
Another aim of the project was to increase the use of our recreation grounds, to get more footfall and so to improve the service that we provide to the local community. This was another aim successfully met. The gym equipment means that we get a steady stream of visitors to our recreation grounds all through the day. Previously there had been more marked peaks in usage after school and during school holidays and more troughs during the day in term time.
With continuously rising populations, more development in the area and so more pressure on the Council’s recreation grounds we have to make the most of every space and to get as much use as possible out of each square inch. This was another plus point for the equipment as the cardio bundle is able to accommodate multiple users in a comparatively small area.
All of these comments could very well apply to a lot of other outdoor fitness equipment. We chose the Caloo equipment rather than from any other firm as it appeared to be robust, good value, fit for purpose and we had confidence in the level of service to be provided. Some six months down the line each aspect of this decision has been justified by experience.”
We are delighted to receive such positive client feedback and look forward to constructing many new facilities for community use in the coming years.
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