Top 5 Pieces of Playground Equipment For Schools to Help Combat Childhood Obesity
According to NHS Digital (based on the 2018 – 2019 school year), 34.3% of year 6 children were classed as overweight or obese compared to 22.6% of children in reception years. Within the pandemic, The National Childhood Measurement Programme found that obesity levels within reception and year 6 classes had increased by more than 4% between 2019 and 2021 ¹. Childhood obesity is an important issue to tackle as those considered overweight or obese from an early age are more likely to become adults living with obesity² .
Whilst children are in the care of schools, they have a great influence on educating and motivating children on the importance of exercise. According to an Ofsted report on childhood obesity, healthy eating and physical activity in primary schools³ , schools have an important role to play in reinforcing the importance of choices that lead to better health.
At Caloo we understand how important it is to combat childhood obesity and want to provide schools with the opportunity to educate their pupils on the positive benefits of exercise so that they can educate future generations on the importance of an active lifestyle.
To help you provide spaces for children to play and exercise, we’ve curated our top 5 pieces of playground equipment for schools that will help combat childhood obesity.
1 – KS1 Education Outdoor Gym Bundle:
This outdoor gym bundle has been designed specifically for schools where children aged 5+ can share the exercise experience with classmates. With 15 user stations and 8 pieces of equipment, children can be taught how to use items such as the rower (link to product here) and cardio boxes (link product here). This is a great bundle to give children a full body workout which will help strengthen their cardiovascular system whilst helping to improve concentration levels in the classroom.
Please note that due to regulations, this bundle cannot be installed within 25m of play equipment unless it is fenced off.
2 – Osmoz Double Tower:
Fantastic for school playgrounds, our Osmoz Double Tower is budget friendly and is packed with multiple activities that will keep children engaged and active. This piece of play equipment will help children improve their strength, flexibility and cardiovascular system which are important for keeping children healthy.
Would you like to match the colour of your Osmoz Double Tower with the rest of your play area? You can do this for free! Simply choose the colours from the wheel below and request them when ordering your new play unit.
Help children improve their climbing abilities with our Medium Climbing Frame. Packed with various activities such as climbing walls and ropes, children can improve their strength and motor skills which will be of benefit to their muscle development.
Our Medium Climbing Frame can also be customised in colour (for free!) to match your current play environment. Choose your colours from the wheel below and request them when placing your order.
4 – Large Trampoline 1.5m x 1.5m:
Children can bounce, hop and skip on our large trampoline! A great addition to any school play area looking for a low impact option that will keep children active. Whilst improving the cardiovascular system and protecting the bone joints, children will be laughing and bonding with one another whilst seeing how high they can jump.
5 – Play Boat with Look Out Tower:
Let imaginations run wild as children use our Play Boat with Look Out Tower. Whilst pretending to sail the seven seas, children can socialise with one another whilst moving around the vessel using the steps and slide to play in the lower deck. Encouraging movement and collaborative play, this piece of play equipment will help keep children active in both mind and body.
Like the Osmoz Double Tower and Medium Climbing Frame, this unit can be designed with the colours of your choice for free. Choose your colours from the wheel and request them when placing your order.
We hope that we can all work together to give children a healthier future and to help reduce the number of children living with obesity in the UK.
Call or contact us today to start providing facilities that help children live more active lifestyles.
1 – https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/16/childhood-obesity-in-england-soared-during-pandemic