
The Buyers Guide to School Outdoor Gym Equipment
There are many benefits to investing in school outdoor gym equipment, from encouraging more socialising and creativity to an increase in outside play. But where do you start when it comes to choosing, and sourcing, the right equipment for your grounds? In this buyer’s guide, we’ll show you what you need to consider when it comes to school outdoor gym equipment.
Buy your equipment intentionally – When you’re making an investment like this, it’s essential to consider the objective for buying outdoor gym equipment and which will be the best supplier. So, before you start the buying process, look at all the options available in terms of sources – remember that cheap doesn’t necessarily mean long-lasting – and get clear on why you’re buying this equipment for your school. For example, you might be hoping to encourage more outdoor activity with this investment. Look for products that offer choice and guarantee so you can rely on the equipment you buy.
Think about who it’s for – There’s a vast range of choices when it comes to outdoor gym equipment today, and it’s available for all key stage levels. However, ensure the equipment you choose will be appropriate for users – key stage 1 children, for example, will be suitable for children who are ages 5 – 7 years.
Focus on cardio – Equipment that facilitates cardiovascular exercise should be prioritised. This type of activity raises the heartbeat and gets the blood pumping around the body. It’s a safe way to help increase the fitness levels of children using it. Some options can help when it comes to strength building, too – make sure you pick your equipment carefully so that you have the right combination.
Where are you going to position the equipment? – It’s important to consider that not all equipment will come with installation included in the initial cost, but when it comes to installation, there’s no real restriction to what it can be installed on – concrete, tarmac, grass and rubber mulch are all common surfaces used. The decision of having safety surfaces installed is down to the client, it can help finish off the area giving it a great look, but all comes down to budget. If you are looking to have a surface laid, then grass matting is the most budget-friendly option, whilst also protecting natural grass growth.
How do you want to use the equipment? – Rather than simply choosing school outdoor gym equipment and hoping it will be the proper selection, it’s a good idea to think about how you will use it – how will the equipment be incorporated into lesson plans or playtime? Is there an app which can be used to aid training and lesson planning?
Remember the need for maintenance and servicing – Your equipment should come with a guarantee, and maintenance and servicing can usually extend this. Remember that you’ll need to schedule this regularly and ensure access is available.
If you’re buying outdoor gym equipment for schools, these are key considerations to note.
Caloo is a leading supplier of outdoor gym equipment for schools; you can browse the equipment we offer or contact us to find out more.